Handschriftliche Eingabe
Das Zeichen "逆" hat 9 Striche. "逆" ist eines der 3500 gängigen Zeichen. Das Zeichen "逆" hat 1 Aussprachen, . Die Aussprachen von "逆" sind "nì" . Strichfolge von "逆" ansehen>>
Grundbedeutung des chinesischen Zeichens "逆"
v.: meet; welcome; go against; disobey; defy; oppose; offend; rebel; betray
adj.: counter; inverse; contrary; converse; adverse; unfavourable
n.: traitor
adv.: beforehand; in advance
- meet : v.遇见;碰到;与…会面;满足;达到;符合;会见;获得;结识;聚会
- welcome : n.欢迎;迎接;接受
- go against : 反对;抵抗;与(一种情绪;原则)相反;对…不利的
- disobey : v.不服从;违抗
- defy : v.公然反抗;藐视;使(行动;品质)几乎不可能;向…挑衅;激;向…挑战
- oppose : v.反对;抵抗;竞争
- offend : v.得罪;冒犯;犯罪;令人不快;违反
- rebel : n.反叛分子;造反者;叛逆者;反抗者;反对者
- betray : v.对…不忠;辜负;出卖;暴露;证明;背叛;针对…告密;泄露;显露
- counter : n.柜台;小圆板;计数器;计算器;对立物;对立面;反作用;艉突出体;外倾艉端;字谷;主跟;后帮
- inverse : adj.相反的;逆反的;倒转的;反向的;逆的;反的
- contrary : adj.相反的;执拗的;别扭的;倔强的;好作对的;对立的;相对的;逆向的;不利的
- converse : v.谈话;交谈
- adverse : adj.阻碍成功的;有害的;不利的
- unfavourable : adj.反对的;不赞同的;不利的;有害的
- traitor : n.叛徒;背叛者
- beforehand : adv.提前;预先;事先
- in advance : 预先, 事先, 提前
Wörter mit "逆"
逆波音 inverted mordent
逆回音 inverted turn
逆循环加热 reverse cycle heating
逆急流而上 ascend against a rushing stream
逆电流继电器 reverse-current relay
逆电流保护 reverse-current protection
逆潮流而上 go upstream against the tide
Beispielsätze mit "逆"
Those who go against the trend of history will be cast aside by the people.
Whoever goes against the tide of history will come to no good end.
[as noun overthrusting]the increased overburden resulting from overthrusting.
Commuting is not so bad when you are travelling against the traffic.
The converse effect is the cooling of a gas when it expands.
The energy supply from carbohydrate and fat is inversely related.
So the thermodynamics feasibility of reverse reaction sintering is demonstrated.
Head back to save the inverse-by-fire-help, alpine wetland bewitched by the wind.
The explorer ventured on a trip up the Nile.
什么是拼缀法、缩略法和逆 生法?
What is blending, abbreviation and back formation?