Handschriftliche Eingabe
Das Zeichen "踪" hat 15 Striche. "踪" ist eines der 3500 gängigen Zeichen. Das Zeichen "踪" hat 1 Aussprachen, . Die Aussprachen von "踪" sind "zōng" . Strichfolge von "踪" ansehen>>
Grundbedeutung des chinesischen Zeichens "踪"
n.: footprint; track; trace; trail
- footprint : n.脚印;足迹;覆盖地区;磁盘空间;人类活动对环境的影响;内存占用量;噪音(或重量)覆盖区;广播信号覆盖区;台面面积
- track : n.小道;小径;铁路轨道;线路;足迹;踪迹;车辙;歌曲;音乐;轮距;赛道;跑道
- trace : v.找到;发现;映描;描摹;跟踪;追踪;追溯;描绘;查考;追究
- trail : n.足迹;痕迹;踪迹;小路;小道;小径;架尾;路径;滑雪道
Wörter mit "踪"
Beispielsätze mit "踪"
踪清溪之溅溅兮穿茂林之蔼蔼 ﹒.
I trace the lucid brook , babbling along , ho , go through the lush woods , so hazy.
I know that F. P. A insurance doesn't cover losses on consumer goods.
He promises to compensate for my loss.
The system also shows a good performance in many situations such as multi-target tracking, target under cross-blocked, and so on.
“我爱你”病毒于2000年5月初度呈现,就金钱损失踪而言,它也许是毁坏性最强的病毒。 。
"I Love You" appeared in May 2000 and has possibly been the most destructive virus in terms of monetary loss.
Stockbrokers, auto dealers, mail carriers, insurance and real estate agents: the internet will eradicate middlemen by the millions.
By Monday morning with the market set to reopen, they were moved in and ready to go in spite of the fact that most of their stock traders were among the missing.