Handschriftliche Eingabe
Das Zeichen "序" hat 7 Striche. "序" ist eines der 3500 gängigen Zeichen. Das Zeichen "序" hat 1 Aussprachen, . Die Aussprachen von "序" sind "xù" . Strichfolge von "序" ansehen>>
Grundbedeutung des chinesischen Zeichens "序"
n.: western and eastern wings of a house; school; order; sequence; preface
v.: arrange in order
adj.: introductory; initial
- school : n.学校;专科学校;学派;期末考试大厅;一伙赌徒;鱼群;海兽群;院;科;上课
- order : n.次序;顺序;命令;指令;社会等级;社会阶级;阶层;修道会;类;柱型;装饰样式;专用装备;专用服装;阶
- sequence : n.顺序;连续事件;连续镜头;继续经;模进;序列;同花顺
- preface : n.前言;序;开场白;序幕;序祷;序诵
- introductory : adj.引导的;引论的;序言的;基本的;基础的;初步的;预备的;说服…试购的;试销的
- initial : adj.最初的;开始的;位于词首的
Wörter mit "序"
地层序 stratigraphic succession/sequence
Beispielsätze mit "序"
The famous writer Liu Xinwu writes the introduction for his new book.
Display GDB's current idea of the target byte order.
Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appared?
There are two types of sequences in these cycles; clastic rock sequence and salt rock sequence.
Finally, we discuss how to represent nonlinear LEE by linear LEEs.
As a result, I consider that The Weeds is actually a preface of The Weeds.
The height ordering relation of the first TSSK sequence will be reserved to the product.
Good order parameter can reflect the symmetry changes perfectly during phase transition.
Word order is the internal order when phrase is composed of word and it includes morpheme order.
Once they have more information out and a firm released date I will preorder it.