Handschriftliche Eingabe
Das Zeichen "令" hat 5 Striche. "令" ist eines der 3500 gängigen Zeichen. Das Zeichen "令" hat 3 Aussprachen, es ist ein Mehrlautzeichen. Die Aussprachen von "令" sind "lìng" "líng" "lǐng" . Strichfolge von "令" ansehen>>
Grundbedeutung des chinesischen Zeichens "令"
quant.: ream (of paper)
v.: order; command; cause; make
n.: order; command; decree; season; drinking game; ancient official title; short song or lyric verse set to a fixed tune; ditty
adj.: good; excellent
pron.: your
- order : n.次序;顺序;命令;指令;社会等级;社会阶级;阶层;修道会;类;柱型;装饰样式;专用装备;专用服装;阶
- command : v.命令;掌握;拥有;可以获得;指挥;管辖;统率;俯视;俯瞰;〈古〉 控制(或抑制)(自己,自己的感情)
- cause : n.起因;原因;原则;事业;诉讼事由;正当理由;值得支持的事;个人诉讼案件
- make : v.做;制作;制造;建造;创造;使存在;使形成;带来;迫使做;组成;合计;共计;挣得;赚得;赶上;及时到达;朝…走去;求欢;诱奸;赢;涨;退
- decree : n.法令;法令的颁布;裁决;判决
- season : n.季节;季;时节;节期;一段时间;赛季;旺季;当令期;发情期;社交活动时节
- ditty : n.小曲;小调
- good : adj.合意的;满意的;合格的;胜任的;善的;有德行的;让人高兴的;令人愉快的;令人满意的;彻底的;天哪;啊呀
- excellent : adj.极好的;优秀的;卓越的;杰出的
- your : det.你的;您的;你们的;荣誉是…的你
Wörter mit "令"
废除令 abatement order
邑令 county magistrate
搜查令 search warrant; writ of search
缓刑令 probation order
限购令 property-purchasing limitations order
下调令 issue an order of transfer
扣押令 garnishee order
收监令 order of committal; warrant of commitment
不当令 be out of season
拘留令 order of detention
开拔令 marching orders
调查令 writ of inquiry
授权令 warrant
枢密院令 orders of the Council
政府令 order from the government
封港令 embargo
实施令 enforcement ordinance
开释令 warrant of deliverance; order for discharge
休渔令 fishing ban
收监执行令 warrant for commitment to custody
Beispielsätze mit "令"
The contumacy of the criminal didn’t leave the police helpless. / The police were not helpless when faced with the criminal’s stubborn resistance.
The whole world feels sorrow over the prominent scientist’s death.
The spectators marvelled at the brilliant acrobatics.
The football game crazed almost all the fans.
His statement triggered a domestic outcry.
All the guests are content with the services of the hotel.
The audience was awed into silence by her stunning performance.
His changing moods often baffled us.
His learning is held in high esteem/regard by his colleagues.
It is ordered that this rule be strictly carried out in every school.